Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I just dont understand

Can you explain the end to me, its so weird. I dont normaly read books like this, anyway so the final riddle leads him to the pyramid inversee and the mini pyramid just below that right? so what was it there that was to be discovered? i mean maybe it wasnt a cup per se but i thought it was something material that could be found that would explain 1) how it could bring wealth/power to whomever held it 2) why there would be a need to have some many riddles to hide such a thing in the first placebecause the impression i got was what he found was just an abstract concept (the whole sacred feminine thing that they had repeated a million times by the climax and resolution)...anyone help me out? I actually found this book really hard to read and undertsand, but i guess the movie will be here soon and that will explain a lot.