Wednesday, January 31, 2007

BAHRAIN 1-2-3 Feb

BAHRAIN -----01- 2- 3RD FEB..........

I can not wait till the weekend. Bahrain here I come.

I spend half my time in Doha complaining about it, and the other half listening about it, well a recent survey recently claimed that four out of ten young Muslims in Britain hate the country, and actually want to live under sharia law.

How about the priest son who ended up in hospital after being given a severe beating by a bunch of thugs who then wrote a rap song about the event and released it on the net.

Or the cancellation of 41 per cent of operations on the NHS because of a lack of sterile surgical instruments? Then there’s the 50 million wasted on replacing school blackboards with whiteboards, which have actually slowed down learning.

Should I remind you of the thousands of pedophiles, murderers and foreign criminals wandering our streets as a result of official incompetence and indifference? They too will soon be joined by 150 terrorists, including those convicted in involvement in the Omagh bombing, who are due to be released as part of yet another amnesty to shore up the northern Ireland surrender process.

I could go on, but I live in Doha, so no need to complain, or I would loose the will to live. Some of this must have contributed to report which has rated Britain as 37th on a list of best places to live, behind Latvia, Slovenia, Estonia, Bulgaria and battle scared Croatia.

Makes you wonder why anyone would want to go to the UK. It can’t be the weather……..