Friday, February 24, 2006

Losing Hair

Losing Hair,

What am I going to do, take it like a man, sit back and let every last strand fall out. About a year ago i took a medication called Roaccutuane, this is an extremely harsh and effective medication to rid your body of excess oil, and hopfully cure people who have severe Acne, now i did not have severe acne, infact just a few pimples here and there, howvere it bothered me and was prescribed by a Dr. that I should commence a course of Roaccutuanne, which was fine. But my hair(and this could have no relation), has been falling out ever since.

Now as a guy I probably should not care, especially as a muslim, where it is left for the woman to be vain, and care about ones beauty, but I simply can not.

I have researched the feild, and have found several cures, the one i assume i am going to do is Hair transplantation which involves removing small pieces of hair-bearing scalp grafts from a probably the back of my head and relocating them to a bald or thinning area. Grafts differ by size and shape. Round-shaped punch grafts usually contain about 10-15 hairs. The much smaller mini-graft contains about two to four hairs; and the micro-graft, one to two hairs. Slit grafts, which are inserted into slits created in the scalp, contain about four to10 hairs each; strip grafts are long and thin and contain 30-40 hairs.

So what do you think. I really do have to go to London first and make sure that I have hereditory hairloss. My father has a full head of hair (Mashallah), howvere onmy mothers side, the brothers are all balled.

Anyway I have my propecia tablets which guarantee to stop falling and lets see what happens........Still love me if I am bald?????????????