Does age matter. On a recent trip abroad I was asked for my id upon the entrance of a club, is this an insult or a compliment. I would say a compliment. The bouncer asked me if I was 21, to which I replyed "of course" I guess it is cool, not looking your age. Although I do somtimes enter meetings to be welcomed with astonished lookes, or weird facial expressions, as to why this kid is here, lol.
I am 27 years old, but I do feel like I am 22. I hope that when I am 35 I look like a 25 year old. They say age is how you feel inside, well I feel 22, so that is the end of the story, I am 22.
What do you feel about age?, does it just creep upon you. I sometimes wonder how I got to 27, that is only 13 years away from being 40, now that is an age when you do have to sit and think "hey what am I doing in my life". But then again I guess you are doing what you are doing, why do we always have to meet other poeople's expectations, at 30 we should be married, well no, I dont have to be anything except happy with where and what I am doing. If you are happy and not hurting others, then where is the problem. As Arabs we beleive that we have to get married to make our familys happy, well yes, but not to someone whom we dont want, someone whom they have chosen, for god sake, we are the ones that have to spend our life with them. I like the idea of arranged, but not arranged in the sense of no choice.