Monday, May 22, 2006

You and Your Desk...............

What does your office space say about you... Are you a Tidy Tina, or a Messy Matt. I am both actually. I have spells of complete madness where you can find anything from my I-pod, to the financial times, along with a backlog of papers that require a simple signature, to the days when I have a super clean very visible serface. What is your desk like, does sacttered papers and files lying around mean your busy or just unorganized, infact a really clean and paperless desk makes me feel like I have no work, or have been doing no work, its strange. I normally have two computers on my desk, along with multiple bottles of water, an I-pod, and lots of newspapers.Anyway tell me about your desk, or even just look around and identify the different stereo types, and tell me, does messy mean busy ????